im X military, i grew up on a NM RES. I believe he was a smart guy, X Airborne like me.But- antique bills were found by a kid in the Forest area, decade later. I think he lost some of the money.And anyone smart would of had several plans to get home.

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still have yet to go to the American desert. although i did drive through Nevada twice.

i was still trying to figure out the "forgotten" but found money 'thing.'

One idea is he purposefully came back after he knew the area had already been searched, in order to throw investigators off his tracks. if that's the case, that is an absurd level of pre-planning and thinking ahead. regardless, the guy was obviously not stupid. the other explanation is that the government simply missed the money bag when they combed through the area for some reason. it's not unbelievable that someone's eyes simply never encountered the bag at the time the area it was searched. I would have a hard time holding that opinion if such an event happened today. indeed, it could have been on the move itself by virtue of being in the river, and if that's the case, it possibly wouldn't have moved at the same exact speed the entire time.

you make a point i actually hadn't thought of which also confused me.

why would Cooper not care if the pilots suggested a directional change? Well, if he, if we're going to evolve Sonnen's theory, he had not one, but several motorcycles stashed in areas he knew how to get to quickly. Either way, he gets home in no less than 4 or 5 hours, depending on how far he has to walk.

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great story!

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Interesting...never heard that before.

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