The Epidemic of Female Child Sex Offenders
This article is part of a series which investigates the profile of the white female teacher sex offender in the post #MeToo era, a topic which has been largely ignored by the mainstream media (MSM).
Editor’s Note: This is a FREE article and investigation which spanned several hours. All of the information is open source intelligence (OSINT). Please consider an investment in the truth and become a premium paid subscriber today.
For one reason or another, we have been in the midst of an epidemic of female pedophiles for many years now, with the majority of the perpetrators formerly being teachers or faculty in the U.S. public education system.

When was the last time we had a week without a new arrest? Can anyone remember? The proliferation of women child sex offenders, particularly in the education system, is a novel phenomenon in United States, but is one which is in full swing, and has been for quite some time now.
Whether or not female child sex offenders will ever receive the same legal prosecution and punishment as male offenders, however, still seems unlikely. That said, some of the corporate media are finally calling these women for what they and their crimes actually are: rapists and rape.
This is counter to what the mainstream media (MSM) usually refers to as “inappropriate relationship", or some other Orwellian euphemism.
This article will analyze the patterns recognized in many, if not, most of the cases that have been reported. Analysis will include the profile of the perpetrators, their victims, and how the sociopolitical clmate and society both affects and reacts to this happenings, in addition to the punishment, or lack thereof, shelled out to these women by the so-called “justice system.”
As we close off quarter two (Q2) of 2024, there seems to be an endless supply of adult women who like to prey on minors, particularly in the public education system. Moreover, the profile of the perpetrators is quite consistent, with few deviations from the prototype: White, female, and often married or in a serious relationship. This story is relevant as it falls under the category of stories which are largely ignored by the mainstream media (MSM).
We as a society are often told and chastised and warned about the trope of the inappropriate relationship between a male teacher and his young female student. However, Payton Shires from Ohio reminds us all that predators come in all appearances.
Physical education teacher, Katie Smith, was 28 years old when she was imprioned for three years and ten months for child criminal sex offenses. Similar to the other perpetrators outlined in this profile, Smith gained access to her victim(s) via her status as an employee at a children’s school.
More recently, a married women received a sentence of 12 years for the unlawful sexual statutory rape of a minor, which is one of the longer sentences handed out for this behavior that I have ever seen. Typically, the sentence is quite lenient and indeed, in cases where minors are not involved but unlawful sexual behavior is still present, the woman involved is often financially rewarded for her degenerate behavior, regardless of her marital status.
A man who goes by the name of Frank Cervi has highlighted the trend of female child sex offenders in the public educational system, and some of the graphics from this article have been borrowed from his article, so feel free to give his work some attention.

A plurality of the women sex offenders, if the not the outright majority, are noticeably attractive females. To boot, many of them are married, have children, or otherwise are in serious relationships with adult men. This phenomnenon shows a manifestation of a society which has been gynocentric for decades, in more than ways than one.

It is unclear whether or not the MSM will address this story, although it does seem to be picking up steam in the alternative media and social media, which is often a precursor to a MSM story grift. Sometimes the story is just too big to ignore.

The above graph shows that in the academic school year 2014-2015 there were 188 cases of inappropriate relationships with a student or minor, and just three years later in 2017-2018 academic school year there were 429 instances, which is an increase of 228 percent.

The sex crimes committed in the United States speaks to a larger problem with sex crimes committed by women in countries like Israel as well.
The lenient sentences which most of these women sex offenders receive is indicative of a larger attribute of the American justice system which favors women in more ways than one.
True story, a friend of mine got into a domestic situation with his drunk ex. She was going to take his car to go somewhere. He snatched the keys away from her so she wouldn't drive drunk. Cops told him that was domestic abuse and took him to jail even though he's sober.”
“When you tell somebody they're too Feminist to be on the bench, when you tell them they'll be a Feminist judge, not an American judge, that is bigotry and sexism. But that's exactly what Ruth Bader Ginsburg did before dying on the bench hoping for a female president.”
In the aformentioned quote, author Rollo Tomassi mocked Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) when he said in October of 2020: “When you tell somebody they’re too Catholic to be on the bench, when you tell them they’ll be a Catholic judge, not an Americna judge, that’s bigotry. The pattern & practice of bigotry from member of this committee must stop.”
It seems, however, that the inverse relationship should be the trope now.
Here are some recent female child sex offenders from the past couple years:
Makana Mei Masacayan, 26, New Mexico (16 year old victim)
Olivia Ortz, 26, Wilmington Area High School in Pennsyilvania
Reagan Anderson, 27, Christian School Teacher, South Carolina, Orangeburg County, Holly Hill Academy
Hailey Nichelle Clifton-Carmack, 26, Missouri High School, (16-year old victim)
Victoria Fowler, 30, Missouri, (16 year-old victim)
Andie Rosafort, 31, Connecticut (14 year-old victim)
Sarah Hull-DeGroat, 23, (15 year-old victim)
Hannah Marth, 26, (17 year old victim)
Reagan Gray, 26, Christian teacher, Arkansas (15 year-old victim)
Kristine Knizner, 28
Lydia Pinto, 38, New Jersey (14 year-old victim)
Emalee Kedzierski, 28, Harborcreek Township, Pennsylvania, (17 year-old victim)
Kristin McAllister, 32, Tabb High School i Yorktown
FREE Podcasts on “The Female Diddler Epidemic” are available here:
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Addy Adds is a 100% independent author, writer, investigative journalist, independent video producer, radio talk show host, and editor. His work has been stolen by hundreds and viewed/read by millions. Once called the “best young mind in political journalism,” with his work also described as “genius,” Addy Adds turned down an in-field recruitment from the CIA during his coverage of Brazil in 2022, the first known instance of such an event to be caught on video.
I see I'm not the only one who noticed this phenomenon lately.